PROJECT: ORDINATION JUSTICE is an audio course that investigates the scripture, tradition and history relevant to the topic of the ordination of women as priests in the Roman Catholic Church. The hope is that you will receive the information and guidance from the Holy Spirit that you need to discern for yourself whether the teaching of an all-male priesthood is actually coming from God.
Episode 1 | Welcome
Episode 1: Prayer & Discussion Guide
This first episode orients you to the course so that you know what to expect. You will learn about structure and content of the 12 episodes, how to use the course, and why it is being offered at this historic moment in the Church. Use the downloadable guide on this page to guide you through the prayer and reflection process.
CHAPTERS [0:00] Welcome [1:32] Course overview [3:21] How to use this course [4:24] Why now [6:23] Who is Father Anne [9:02] Entering into the moment RESOURCES
Episode 2: Laying the Foundation
Episode 2: Prayer & Discussion Guide
This second episode lays the foundation of this study. First, it contextualizes this inquiry as a continuation of the 2000-year long Catholic intellectual tradition. Next, it considers the theology of the incarnation as a basis for understanding what vocation is and why it is important. Lastly, it sets up the question about vocation that we are asking God to answer, exploring how to frame the question and why this matters. By the end of this episode, we will have a shared understanding of vocation and a clear question to bring before God for guidance.
CHAPTERS [00:00] Welcome [02:48] Episode Overview [04:06] Catholic intellectual tradition [10:40] Opening prayer [12:04] Theology of the incarnation [16:03] Understanding vocation [22:45] Determining the question [28:07] Conclusion RESOURCES Catholic intellectual tradition
Incarnation and Vocation
Research data Below are some links that describe the results of reputable studies. Much more research needs to be done in Africa, India, Indonesia, and Eastern Europe.
Lack of unity in the universal Church There are many articles pointing to the lack of agreement on whether women should be ordained as priests. The topic came up on the floor at both the 2023 and 2024 October assemblies of the Synod on Synodality, and in Synod reports published by local Churches and the universal Church. It is impossible to know how many vowed religious and ordained support ordaining women as priests because they are not free to speak openly and face the threat of discipline. Here are several hints in the media.